B&N Closings Mean New Opportunities

B&N announced that it plans to close about 10 stores every year for the next ten years. Publisher’s Weekly provides a little more detail on the announcement.

Now, before everyone panics and thinks that bookstores are going to disappear entirely, think. Whenever there’s a gap in the market for something people want, others swoop in to fill it. In this case, small, locally owned bookstores are poised to profit from every closure of the megastore in their area.

This could mark a new Renaissance in reading. Some of my associates are already looking at buildings they can buy and convert into bookstores. I, for one, am glad to see this happening. Readers everywhere will reap the results!

2 thoughts on “B&N Closings Mean New Opportunities

    1. Laine Cunningham Post author

      Yes, I do believe an indie could replace them. So long as the owner keeps the focus on events that reach the wider community…so a Take Back the Night event when a novel about a serial killer comes out, a cooking class to promote cookbooks (complete with catalog sales of spices and kitchenware, of course!), and the like. Make it an event, not just a signing, and people will come. The more they attend, the more they’ll support through purchases and word of mouth.



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