About Sunspot Literary Journal

SLJFrontSunspot Literary Journal speaks truth to power through the power of words and art. The name derives from areas of lower temperatures on the sun’s surface which are not visible to the naked eye. Publisher Laine Cunningham compares their invisibility to authors whose voices are not heard because they are not in positions of power.

Launched in January 2019, Sunspot is dedicated to hearing every voice. As an award-winning writer, ghostwriter, and consultant, Cunningham is often approached by authors desperate to break free from stereotypes applied by publishers and literary agents.

Sunspot Literary Journal supports authors and artists from every background. The journal offers payment in the form of an Editor’s Prize. The quarterly digital editions are free to the website’s visitors. The print editions release late each year.

Sunspot is produced by Sun Dogs Creations out of Durham, NC, USA. Cunningham serves as senior editor, and several volunteers are helping with administrative tasks. The print edition’s designer is Angel Leya, an author who magically manages to write while chasing her young children around the house.

Website: www.SunspotLit.com

Submissions can be made through Sunspot’s Submittable portal: https://sunspotlit.submittable.com/submit
