Book Review: The Year We Left Home by Jean Thompson

Read about 30 pages but wasn’t impressed with the writing or the character development. It was well written in terms of how words are laid out on the page but there wasn’t really much compelling development of the characters. That’s a critical flaw in the opening pages.
I suppose if you like stories that focus on a family’s history you might enjoy this. But I didn’t find enough to hold me long.
In some ways, I’m surprised it won an award…and in others I’m not surprised. Literary contests can pick works that meander or where nothing happens, holding the prose over the story or what it might provide for a reader in terms of messaging or experience. So perhaps you have to read the first 100 pages before things really come clear.
1 star.

2 thoughts on “Book Review: The Year We Left Home by Jean Thompson

  1. in search of Joy

    Interesting observation: “…holding the prose over the story or what it might provide for a reader in terms of messaging or experience.” Is this book fiction or nonfiction? I am learning a lot by reading your reviews.


    1. Laine Cunningham Post author

      This is a work of fiction. I do occasionally review nonfiction but mostly I enjoy fiction so much I focus on that for these reviews.
      Thank you for reaching out and letting me know that the reviews are useful!



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